
Palmalife rumen bypass fat 100% palm

Advantages that you can acquire when consuming Palmalife rumen bypass Fat

  • 100% Palm fat
  • We assure that your livestock will consume 100% Natural product
  • Our Palmalife rumen bypass fat has traceability of origin to assure our customers the origin of our product
  • Delivery logistics
  • Deliveries to the door of your plant
  • Our logistics team takes care of all the shipping details so you only have to worry about receiving the merchandise
  • Suggested dose
  • We help you formulate with our Palmalife rumen bypass fat
  • We have expert nutritionists to help you formulate with our product
  • Presentation of the product
  • Always parquet product
  • With our product the downloads are very fast and efficient.
  • Technical advisory for palmalife rumen bypass fat
  • We are experts in our product
  • With our quality department we will let you know all the technical specifications of the product, storage methods, care and advice that you require.

Contact us today

Our advisers are waiting for you.
They will be happy to help you with the information you need